A thorough evaluation will determine the best treatment plan

Most men ejaculate after several minutes of thrusting during sexual intercourse. However, men with delayed ejaculation may take 30 minutes or longer to ejaculate. Delayed ejaculation may not be perceived as a problem until it leads to relationship problems, diminished sexual pleasure or concern about sexual performance.

Delayed ejaculation may be categorized as lifelong (occurring since sexual maturity) or acquired (occurring after a period of normal sexual functioning). It is further categorized as generalized or situational. This is important to identify as it will help in determining which treatment options are most effective.

CAUSES of Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation can be caused by chronic medical problems, certain medications or surgery. It may also have psychological causes. In some instances, it is a combination of both physical and psychological causes.

Physical Causes

Physical causes include nervous system disease (i.e. stroke), injury to the back or spine, endocrine disease (i.e. diabetes), prostate disease or surgery and heart surgery. Certain types of medication may also cause delayed ejaculation. These medications can include antidepressants, antipsychotics and antihypertensives. Delayed ejaculation may also occur with excessive alcohol use or recreational drug use.

Psychological Causes

Psychological causes of delayed ejaculation include relationship problems, anxiety, depression and other mental health problems, fatigue, performance anxiety, conditioning caused by a history of unusual masturbating and cultural or religious issues.

Other Factors

Other risk factors for delayed ejaculation include older age and erectile dysfunction.

How is Delayed Ejaculation Treated?

First Appointment: identify the cause to determine the best treatment for you.

The first appointment will last between 45 and 60 minutes and will consist of a thorough assessment of your history including:

  • Medical History
  • Sleep History
  • Exercise and Diet
  • Blood work/Hormones

Treatment may consist of medication to help increase dopamine levels, testosterone levels or improve erections.

Delayed Ejaculation Treatment Options
Drug/Treatment Dose Timing Time to Effect
Bupropion (Wellbutrin/Forfivo/Aplenzin) 150mg-450mg by mouth Once daily 1-3 months
Testosterone (Testopel/Inj/Topicals/Caps) As per treatment As per treatment 3-6 months (normalized levels)
Stimulants (Adderall, Ritalin) 10-30mg IR 30-60 minutes before intimacy Within 2-4 doses
Buspirone (Buspar) 20-60mg by mouth Twice daily 1 month
PT 141 1-2mg SQ 45-60 minutes before intimacy Within 4 doses
Cabergoline 0.5mg twice a week by mouth Twice a week 250 days
Oxytocin 6-24iu intranasal During/immediately before intimacy Within 2-4 doses
Yohimbine 5.4mg Three times daily or 1 hour before intimacy Within 2-4 doses
Behavioral Modification Positioning during intercourse, stop masturbating Variable
Aneros/Vibrators Used during intimacy Variable

We may also discuss resensitizing the penis using masturbation sleeves as a form of treatment. 

You can read more about what to expect during your initial visit with us.

Last updated: April 2022