About Maze

What differentiates Maze from other doctors or medical providers?

Maze integrates a medical and psychological treatment modality to ensure treatment for all facets of male sexual dysfunction. The specialized training experienced by the Maze staff has provided them with a level of empathy and caring not often experienced from medical professionals. In these days of managed care, it is rare to find a medical professional who is able to take the time to really listen.

What is Maze Men's Health?

Maze Men’s Health was started in 1994 by Michael A. Werner, MD, a board-certified urologist and microsurgeon who specializes in sexual function and male infertility because these were clearly fields that could make a big difference in peoples’ lives. In addition to Dr. Werner, the team includes a nutrition and exercise physiologist, a sexual educator, and an expert clinician. Together, they consider all facets of your general health and medical history — whatever it takes to get the full picture — and then develop a treatment plan. At Maze, we treat the whole person.

What are Dr. Werner's qualifications?

Dr. Michael Werner, founder and medical director of Maze Sexual & Reproductive Health, is a renowned authority specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of male sexual dysfunction and male infertility. You can find out more about his qualification, affiliations and publications here

What types of problems do you see at Maze?

The professionals at Maze see men with a wide variety of sexual complaints. The facility treats men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction, low testosterone/Andropause, Peyronie’s Disease, infertility, low sex drive, premature ejaculation and delayed ejaculation. Most complaints will fall somewhere into one of these categories, but some will not.


Is treatment covered by insurance?

Since Maze is a medical facility, treatments are covered by many insurance companies. Learn More

Maze seems expensive. Why is that?

We know there is a significant financial commitment involved when you come to see us. After over fifteen years of practice we are convinced that the only way we can provide the level of care necessary and appropriate is by setting aside a significant amount of time and resources for each patient. And that is an expensive proposition.

Your first appointment is 1½ hours. Follow up appointments generally run 20 minutes to a half hour. Compare that to the 6 minutes most physicians are able to allot for patients today.

We try hard not to make you wait, we coordinate care with your other physicians, we call you back in a timely manner and have convenient lab services on site. All these elements require a financial commitment on the part of the Center so we can fulfill our mission.

If we accepted insurance plans we would not be able to achieve these goals as well as we do. Charging our patients directly, and working with them to understand which services may qualify for out of network coverage, is the model we use to help our work be accessible to more and more women.

Do I really need professional help, or can I work this out on my own?

Only you can really answer that question. If your problem is bothering you, has lasted more than a few weeks or months and the solution is not easily apparent to you, you probably need professional help. 

If you’re not sure, you might want to come in for a consultation anyway. The professionals at Maze are very good at helping you clarify issues and untangle problems. 

How long does treatment usually take?

That’s a pretty tough question to answer. It greatly depends on what the issue is you’re coming to see us about.

Last updated: May 2023