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Rachna Relwani, Dara Berger, Nanette Santoro, Cheryl Hickmon, Michael Nihsen, Athena Zapantis, Michael Werner, Alex J. Polotsky and Sangita Jindal
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Semen parameters and pregnancy rates in an ejaculatory spinal cord injured patients treated with vibratory stimulation and electroejaculation.
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Vaginismus Treatment Under Anesthesia: A Case Report
"This case report aims to present our experience with intra-vaginal injections for the treatment of primary Vaginismus. The patient underwent intra-vaginal injections of Botox and insertion of a dilator under anesthesia with follow up progressive dilation."
Michael A. Werner, Tara Ford*, Peter T. Pacik, Melissa Ferrara and Bat Sheva Marcus
Treatment Protocol for Vaginismus: A Case Study
"We report a case of primary vaginismus that benefited from the treatment protocol we will outline in this article. This case is representative of many cases we have successfully treated with this protocol. We then review the broader protocol of assessment, diagnosis, and the treatment of vaginismus with dilation, medication, psychotherapy and sex education."
Michael Werner, Barbara Gross, Melissa Ferrara and Bat Sheva Marcus
Last updated: November 2021