Time Under Tension

Those of you who work out might be familiar with the expression “time under tension, or TuT” According to Men’s Journal, TuT “refers to how long a muscle is under strain during a set.” This can be a very effective way to strengthen your biceps and quads, but what about a relationship under quarantine? For …

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Does Your Tribe Dictate Your Sexual Vibe?

Everyone is raised with a set of values, which usually are dictated by one or more of the following: familial, cultural, ethnic, religious or societal beliefs. These values are applied to how we’re expected to carry ourselves in the world and how we engage with others. Our caregivers deliver both explicit and implicit messages to …

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Sex on the Sly

Just getting through each day of quarantine is beginning to feel like winning the Super Bowl. For example, you might have thought you had this homeschool thing all worked out a few days ago. But this week, the novelty has worn off, your kids have lost focus, and they’re throwing their underwear at each other …

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Coronavirus Stressing You Out?

There has been much written over the last few weeks about coping with COVID 19’s special and insidious brand of anxiety. We are all experiencing it, individually and collectively, locally with our families and neighbors and of course with our fellow human beings around the globe. Stress is a natural function of the human condition …

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