Why Do Some Men Continue to Look and Feel Young?

The short answer is that there’s a strong correlation between testosterone levels and overall sexual health. Testosterone is  a key hormone that contributes to looking and feeling younger.  More specifically, testosterone plays one of the most important roles in a man’s overall vitality and sexual pleasure. Men’s testosterone levels often peak during adolescence and early …

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Planning IS Sexy

Our culture often leads us to believe that the best sex is spontaneous sex. After a candlelit dinner, one partner sweeps the other off their feet and away they go to the bedroom for passionate sex. In real life, when it “should” be time for sex, you might be feeling tired after a busy day …

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Does sleep have an impact on sex?

Yet another recently published article has linked sexual function in both women and men with sleep quality! An article in the March 2019 volume of The Journal of Sexual Medicine looked at approximately 2,500 men and 1,400 women over 50.  They looked to see how sleep quality and duration correlated with sexual arousal and orgasm …

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Would You Recognize The Symptoms Of Low Testosterone, Even If They Were Staring You Right In The Face?

Image: Women’s International Pharmacy, WomensInternational.com At some point in most men’s lives, their testosterone levels will decrease. However, the symptoms that present themselves will be unique to the individual in terms of type and quantity. This can make detection and treatment difficult because, for example if a man exercises regularly but notices reduced muscle mass …

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