What To Know Before Getting A Vasectomy

Nearly half a million American men get vasectomies every year. As with any medical procedure, it’s important to be informed before deciding whether a vasectomy is right for you. Read on to discover what you need to know before your vasectomy… 1) A vasectomy is considered a permanent sterilization procedure. It’s true that a vasectomy …

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9 Months

I’ve been avidly watching 9 Months with Courteney Cox on Facebook Watch since Season 1. It’s one of the best pregnancy journey shows I’ve ever seen. Courteney Cox, best known as Monica on Friends, had her own journey to parenthood with recurrent pregnancy loss before having her daughter Coco through IVF. Some of the couples …

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Your Health Is In Your Hands.

Believe it or not, you can masturbate badly. We’re not talking about it being bad to masturbate – that’s between you and yourself! But many, many men develop solo sexual habits that can ultimately have a deleterious effect on their partnered sex life. OK, so how does one masturbate well? Think of masturbation as a sexual tune-up for the body. It’s time you’ve set aside to check in on all systems to make sure they are working and sensing properly. Be aware of the firmness of your erection. Be aware of the level of orgasm. Be aware of changes in your responses.

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Can Bicycle Riding Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

There are many reasons someone may fall susceptible to the perils of erectile dysfunction (ED). For some, it may be genetics, trauma, injury, or, commonly, prostate cancer. But, there are the handful of lifestyle factors and activities that contribute to the development of ED and can be prevented. One of these common activities is bicycle …

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