Why Do We Crave Carbs?

Often, people who have issues with their weight complain that they have sugar cravings, feel hungry, and feel out of control with their eating. These cravings make it difficult to stop eating sweets and control food intake. Sugar cravings are not imagined and not due to a lack of willpower! Carbs and sugar are addictive …

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Does Your Tribe Dictate Your Sexual Vibe?

Everyone is raised with a set of values, which usually are dictated by one or more of the following: familial, cultural, ethnic, religious or societal beliefs. These values are applied to how we’re expected to carry ourselves in the world and how we engage with others. Our caregivers deliver both explicit and implicit messages to …

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Viagra vs. Birth Control

Several months ago, I was sitting at the bar of my favorite watering hole, sipping a beer and waiting for dinner. A woman sat down next to me and struck up a conversation (which is completely appropriate for this small New England village). It was not long before I learned she was involved in local …

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Having trouble reaching the finish line?

When we think about ejaculatory dysfunction, most people think of premature ejaculation. But we should also consider Delayed Ejaculation (DE). As the name implies, delayed ejaculation is where men have difficulty reaching climax, or perhaps can’t get there at all. Men are often praised for being able to last longer, but as any man with …

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