Cannabis Can Significantly Lower Sperm Count

With cannabis becoming more available for both recreational and medicinal use, research on the effects of cannabis is becoming much more common. More than half of all states have legalized the use of cannabis medicinally and ten states allow recreational use. The possibility of legalization in New York State seems more likely by the day. …

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Vasectomies Result in More Sex, More Often

A common misconception about vasectomies is that they can reduce the male libido, could result in erectile dysfunction, and could impact future sexual potency. As a result, couples may choose other forms of contraception over a vasectomy, despite the high success and satisfaction rates. In a study published in August 2015, from the Department of …

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Holiday Survival

The holidays are often a stressful time of year, which can wreak havoc on your diet. There are holiday parties, office parties, and highly caloric foods surrounding us at every turn. Instead of giving into the subliminal pressure of the environment, and completely indulging in everything without being mindful, make a plan that will help …

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A New Reason to Consider Testosterone

Many men with low testosterone avoid replacement therapy when they learn they may have to inject the medication themselves. The downside is that injections tend to be the least expensive method. When these men turn to topicals, they may find that they dislike the daily application, they don’t absorb it well and develop rashes, or …

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ED or Performance Anxiety?

ED is usually thought of as an older man’s issue. Young men are often told “It’s all in your head”.  Well, not so fast. It’s not quite as simple as that. The Guardian (UK) contacted me to share my thoughts in this recent article where they bring up some really great points and paints a …

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