Your Health Is In Your Hands.

Believe it or not, you can masturbate badly. We’re not talking about it being bad to masturbate – that’s between you and yourself! But many, many men develop solo sexual habits that can ultimately have a deleterious effect on their partnered sex life. OK, so how does one masturbate well? Think of masturbation as a sexual tune-up for the body. It’s time you’ve set aside to check in on all systems to make sure they are working and sensing properly. Be aware of the firmness of your erection. Be aware of the level of orgasm. Be aware of changes in your responses.

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Can Bicycle Riding Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

There are many reasons someone may fall susceptible to the perils of erectile dysfunction (ED). For some, it may be genetics, trauma, injury, or, commonly, prostate cancer. But, there are the handful of lifestyle factors and activities that contribute to the development of ED and can be prevented. One of these common activities is bicycle …

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You Don’t Need to Come Out to Us.

We know that men have sex with men for many reasons and under many circumstances. Gay men’s primary sexual and romantic relationships are with other men. Some men identify as bisexual or pansexual. Other men may exclusively be in romantic relationships with women while also having sexual experiences with men. Regardless of the social labels, …

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Sex Hormone Binding Globulin & Low T

If you’re having significant symptoms of low testosterone including low libido, decreased energy and decreased concentration, it’s important to have a complete hormone panel done in order to identify all possible causes. This means looking beyond the amount of testosterone circulating in the bloodstream, to include your SHBG levels. The problem with the protein SHBG is once testosterone is bound to it, it becomes unavailable for cells to use. A complete panel can help identify this and help your doctor determine the proper level of total testosterone for you.

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Pride: It’s About Dignity

At first glance, the LGBTQIA+ Pride celebrations that mark each June appear to be about vanity. While the rainbow flags and feather boas fly, the essence of pride lies a little deeper below the surface. Pride is about dignity. People of gender and sexual minorities need to continue amplifying their voices to obtain the same …

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Penis Dysmorphia

Penis Dysmorphia is a very real mental disorder. Just as Body Dysmorphia affects the way we see our body, penis dysmorphia changes the reality of how we perceive our penis. Men who have this condition view their penis as abnormally small to the point of shame, humiliation, and isolation. They generally avoid all sexual activity …

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Groin Pain? Get The Right Diagnosis

Okay, so you have a whole bunch of weird symptoms that are driving you nuts and interfering with your life. Every doctor tells you there is nothing wrong with you. You feel like you are losing your mind. This is all normal; we hear it from men all the time. So, how do we get …

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