Penile Rehabilitation – Fact or Fiction?       

About 12 years ago, a significant change was taking place in treatment of men following prostate surgery. Prostate surgeons began to respond to men who were experiencing significant side effects from prostate surgery. The voices of prostate cancer survivors were growing louder and louder regarding the side effects. These side effects were simply unacceptable because …

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Time Under Tension

Those of you who work out might be familiar with the expression “time under tension, or TuT” According to Men’s Journal, TuT “refers to how long a muscle is under strain during a set.” This can be a very effective way to strengthen your biceps and quads, but what about a relationship under quarantine? For …

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The Emotional Effects of A Vasectomy

Most men who are considering a vasectomy feel anxious about the decision. Will my sex life be as satisfying afterward? Is this what I want, or am I only doing it to please my partner? How much will it hurt? These questions and others like them need to be carefully considered and answered before making …

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Premature Ejaculation: What causes it?

Premature Ejaculation can be very frustrating for men or couples who are experiencing it. In order to treat premature ejaculation, we must first determine the causes, if any, and explore treatments appropriate for each patient. Premature ejaculation has many contributing factors. For that matter, there are many aspects of our life that are likely contributing …

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P.O.I.S. Syndrome

POIS is a rare syndrome that many people aren’t even aware exists. POIS stands for Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome.  The symptoms of POIS occur anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours after ejaculation. These symptoms typically last between 3-7 days. Symptoms are often flu-like in nature. They can include, but are not limited …

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Why Do We Crave Carbs?

Often, people who have issues with their weight complain that they have sugar cravings, feel hungry, and feel out of control with their eating. These cravings make it difficult to stop eating sweets and control food intake. Sugar cravings are not imagined and not due to a lack of willpower! Carbs and sugar are addictive …

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