Low Testosterone Levels? Get Some Sleep!

It’s safe to say most people know that getting the right amount of sleep can help with just about everything, but quality of sleep also matters and should not be overlooked. Some might even say it is better to have six hours of high-quality sleep than eight hours of poor-quality sleep. Either way, depriving yourself …

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Would You Recognize The Symptoms Of Low Testosterone, Even If They Were Staring You Right In The Face?

Image: Women’s International Pharmacy, WomensInternational.com At some point in most men’s lives, their testosterone levels will decrease. However, the symptoms that present themselves will be unique to the individual in terms of type and quantity. This can make detection and treatment difficult because, for example if a man exercises regularly but notices reduced muscle mass …

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A New Reason to Consider Testosterone

Many men with low testosterone avoid replacement therapy when they learn they may have to inject the medication themselves. The downside is that injections tend to be the least expensive method. When these men turn to topicals, they may find that they dislike the daily application, they don’t absorb it well and develop rashes, or …

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