The purpose of this study is to gather genetic and clinical information about fibrotic disorders which will be used to better understand the role genetics play in these disorders, in order to help doctors diagnose and treat them.
Participant Requirements:
- Current diagnosis of one of the fibrotic disorders: Peyronie’s disease, Dupuytren’s contracture, frozen shoulder or Ledderhose’s disease.
- Completion of a questionnaire.
- Submission of a saliva swab. (We will mail you a kit. You only need to swab the inside of your cheek with a small swab and send it back to us).
No office visit is required, compensation will be offered, and your personal information will not be shared.
If you or a relative has a fibrotic disorder and are interested in taking part in this study, please contact Cruise at cruise@mazehealth.com or 914-683-0000.
Currently accepting participants as of May 11, 2018